· images ·
flickr- all of my photography now resides on flickr
st pats party 2004- teh herm, teh meat, and much more 03.20.04
halloween 2003- warhol, magnum pi, and more 10.31.03
25th birthday- my birthday party at soba w/friends 08.24.03
protege5- my 2003 white mazda protege5 05.24.03
my house- finally some pics of my house 05.10.03
halloween 2002- halloween 2002 10.26.02
mexican war streets- historic north side of pittsburgh 05.19.02
capoeira- brazilian martial arts, music, and dance 02.09.02
pittsburgh zoo- day at the zoo 11.23.01
john mayer- john mayer at club laga 11.16.01
tim's wedding- tim schleicher's wedding 09.29.01
the eagle- night at the eagle 09.08.01
john mayer- john mayer concert 06.20.01
avenger- my car
spring flowersin squirrel hill
wine & cheese party- with bodymedia
st. patrick's day- party at apartment
mandi's visit- friend of mine from ohio
random night- with friends at apartment
new years eve 2000- partay
christmas- at home with family
kelly bday- my sister's 29th birthday
thanksgiving- thanksgiving at apartment
new york city- internet world 2000
fashion show- dan and i at metropol